Enlarge It's a pretty amazing one, too.

Billie Eilish Rocks a Rob Zombie Shirt Onstage, Rob Zombie Approves


We get why some of our readers might dislike Billie Eilish. Our younger readers might see her as the biggest pop star of today and therefore standing in opposition to metal; our older readers might see her as some mumbly teenager who doesn’t play an instrument (or they like her, or don’t care, what the fuck ever). But it’s undeniable that Billie has shown an appreciation for metal in the past, albeit fun, costume-y metal like Cradle of Filth, Type O, and Rob Zombie. It was the latter act whose merch Billie rocked onstage the other night, leading Rob himself to repost a picture of her.

Okay, so three things. The first is that you have to give it to Rob Zombie: he has a way of creating shirts that truly look like a mother’s nightmare. Everything about this shirt seems tailor-made to offend a stuffy parent, and we commend him for keeping that going for so long. This far into their careers, a lot of bands try to make their merch more subdued or “classic,” but here Zombie is saying the kinds of things and displaying the kind of art that’ll disappoint the people who raised us, guaranteed.

Second, it’s a reminder that Rob is willing to venture into a territory where many other metal bands fear to tread: color merch. Color has always been a big part of Rob’s work since the White Zombie days, and that fearlessness in the face of magenta and tie-dye leaves him well-poised to sell a lot of shirts to Gen Z, who seem to love some bright-ass neon colors.

Finally, this doesn’t feel to us like as contentious a thing as, say, a celebrity rocking a fashionable Cannibal Corpse shirt. I mean, Rob Zombie’s just huge. Everyone owns a Rob Zombie shirt.

Check out the picture below:

[Via our friends at The Pit]

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