Enlarge The EBU says including Russia would "bring the competition into disrepute."

Russia Booted from Eurovision 2022 Following Invasion of Ukraine


Every year, countries from around Europe compete in Eurovision, which is basically a gigantic song contest where nations compete with pop tracks. Metalheads might remember that Finnish shock rockers Lordi won the contest in 2006 with their track “Hard Rock Hallelujah.” But after their full-scale invasion of Ukraine took place yesterday, Russia has been booted from the contest.

As reported by Rolling Stone, the European Broadcasting Union has issued the following statement:

The EBU has announced that no Russian act will participate in this year’s Eurovision Song Contest.

The Executive Board of the EBU made the decision following a recommendation earlier today by Eurovision Song Contest’s governing body, the Reference Group, based on the rules of the event and the values of the EBU. The Reference Group recommendation was also supported by the EBU’s Television Committee.

“The decision reflects concern that, in light of the unprecedented crisis in Ukraine, the inclusion of a Russian entry in this year’s Contest would bring the competition into disrepute.

“Before making this decision the EBU took time to consult widely among its membership.

“The EBU is an apolitical member organization of broadcasters committed to upholding the values of public service.

“We remain dedicated to protecting the values of a cultural competition which promotes international exchange and understanding, brings audiences together, celebrates diversity through music and unites Europe on one stage,” 

While our average American readers might not think this is a big deal, Eurovision is much loved around Europe. Russia actually won the contest in 2008 with the song “Believe.”

This year’s Eurovision Song Contest will go down in Turin, Italy, from May 10th to May 14th.

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