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Hot Damn, This New Tomentor Tyrant EP Rules!


We get a lot of promos at the MetalSucks Mansion, mostly in the form of one-man prog bands who are shopping around their new single featuring a guest guitarist from a lesser-known band they grew up liking. But every so often, we get a promo that locks us in on the cover art alone. Such was the case with the new EP by Finnish band Tomentor Tyrant, which has some of the most shirt-worthy cover art we’ve seen in a while. But the proof is in the pudding, and given just how much we liked this album art, we assumed that the music on the band’s self-titled EP would never live up to it — except it does. It does and then some. This EP slaps ass for days.

Hot Damn, This New Tomentor Tyrant EP Rules!

Tomentor Tyrant’s new self-titled EP, out now via Everlasting Spew Records (excellent label name, by the way), could be casually described as “the angriest death metal,” with comps including Hate Eternal and Vitriol. The band play boulder-crushing riffs and rackety drums over furious vocals that vomit tidings of woe, hatred, and total discomfort to the listener. That said, it’s not noise, and the band’s consistent dedication to rhythm and flow make this album not only destructive but also a lot of fun to listen to.

So what’s the album about? That might be our favorite part — the band have their own insane mythology, a la Immortal and GWAR! According to the Bandcamp description:

There might be a dozen ‘Tormentors’ and twice as many ‘Tyrants’ but there is only ONE Tormentor Tyrant! An ageless entity of evil that feeds on the endless suffering of the whole of humanity!

YES. We live for this shit. Why write a song about Satan or Odin when you can write it about some timeless monster-god that you made up?

Listen to this killer EP below:

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