Enlarge Hell of a title to party to.

Midnight Drop New Single “Nocturnal Molestation,” So Have Fun Yelling That At Their Shows


There’s a certain amount of sleaze we expect from Midnight. The masked Cleveland terror crew are the guys who wrote “Lust, Filth and Sleaze,” with such lyrics as, “You give me lust, you give me sleaze/I’m gonna bust when you’re down on your knees.” The cover of one of their albums is two demon women scissoring. But damn, son, the band just dropped their new single “Nocturnal Molestation,” and fuck if that ain’t a hard title to party to.

Now, don’t get us wrong: the track rips. In classic fashion, Midnight make sure that even if the song’s title and chorus line isn’t exactly family-friendly, it’s hard to ignore the ripping street metal track itself. On top of that, the song has a line about consent in it. I mean, sure, it’s, “Reach out for my hand/Copulation — that’s the plan!” But at least he’s not just taking her hand. He’s urging her to reach out. And he’s letting her know what the plan will be going forward.

Also, the band’s own Athenar makes his stance on Midnight very clear:

“If I were to give actual good advice, I would say stay clear of anything to do with Midnight. But I’m not a rational thinker, so as usual, I will give terrible advice and say punish your earholes and play this album as loud as your stereo goes, go out to a gig and mingle with others that you don’t know, lick their faces and rub upon each other’s sweaty torsos to the hellish, neanderthalish noise of a band called Midnight! You gotta release your demons somehow! That’s why you should give a shit, or two.”

So from here on out, you’ve got no one to blame but yourselves. Check out “Nocturnal Molestation” below, and enjoy hell, gutter-loins. Midnight’s new album Let There Be Witchery comes out March 4th on Metal Blade and is available for preorder.

Midnight Drop New Single “Nocturnal Molestation,” So Have Fun Yelling That At Their Shows
Album artwork by: William Lacey
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