Enlarge Sounds like a really brutal accident, so help if you can.

Candy’s Guitarist Got Hit By a Car, GoFundMe Launched


Well, this sucks: according to The PRP, Drew Stark, guitarist for hardcore upstarts Candy, was struck by a car and is in bad shape.

Apparently, Drew was walking down the sidewalk in Los Feliz, CA, this past Wednesday when a car hit him. And he got pretty fucked up, too: apparently, Drew sustained compound fractures in both legs, as well as several other serious injuries that left him requiring multiple surgeries. Jesus.

A GoFundMe campaign has started to help Drew pay his mounting medical bills, which, from the description above, are probably no joke. Here’s the campaign’s statement:

“As some of you know, Drew and a friend were seriously injured Wednesday, January 26th in Los Feliz Ca. when struck by a vehicle while walking down the sidewalk of Hollywood Blvd in front of the Covell Restaurant. He sustained compound fractures in both legs among other serious injuries. Drew will be in the hospital for at least the next week for surgeries to repair the damage. However, we are anticipating a lengthy recovery and are looking to ease his financial burden over the next few months, so all he needs to concentrate on is getting back on his feet, literally. We thank you for your prayers and well wishes, all much appreciated.”

On Friday, they posted the following update:

“We are happy to report Drew had a successful surgery today. He may have problems with security checkpoints and metal detectors moving forward, but he’s one step closer to getting back on his feet. He has a couple more surgery’s this week, and a couple more weeks in the hospital. Thank you all. Your love and generosity is overwhelming.”

Drew is already close to his $35K goal with over $32K being donated to help him. But every penny helps, so if you can, throw the poor dude a few bucks.

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