Enlarge Really doing it for the people, huh, Robbie?

Video: Kid Rock Vows to Bail on Fans at Venues With Mask or Vaccine Mandates


Developmentally-arrested rap-rocker Kid Rock has obviously decided to go the Alex Jones route of regurgitating the last three years’ conservative talking points in order to milk as much cash as possible out of his fanbase. Just the other day, he released “We, The People,” a song in which yells a bunch of Blue Lives Matter meme bullshit before lamenting about how we’re not unified as a country. Now, he’s issued a statement that he’s going to cancel any gig on his upcoming tour with Foreigner that takes place a venue with a mask or vaccine mandate. Fans be damned!

Kid Rock begins the new video post on his Facebook by showing his large-text print-out and saying, “Look at that! Grandpa doesn’t need his glasses today. Figured out you can print shit out bigger on these printers!

“If there are any of these venues [with vaccine or mask mandates] — I’m not aware of any — they’re gonna be gone by the time we get to your city,” he goes on to say. “If they’re not, you don’t have to worry, you’ll be getting your money back — because I won’t be showing up either! If you think I’m going to sit out there and sing, ‘Don’t Tell Me How to Live’ and ‘We the People,’ while people are holding up their fucking vaccine cards and wearing masks — that shit ain’t happening.” 

You can watch the video below, but here are our two biggest takeways:

First, Kid Rock is pretending to be an old man because he equates old age with knowing better and therefore being a good conservative. Listen to all this bullshit, Grandpa doesn’t need his glasses, I might quit touring ’cause it’s so hard at 51. Dude, Ozzy’s a million years old, and he gets up there with the posture of a candy cane. We get that being old and wise is your shtick, but all you’re telling us is that you’re a weakling. Hit the fucking gym and go see a doctor, if your body’s falling apart at 51.

Second, get ready for some lazy show cancellations. We all know what this is, right? This is Kid Rock giving himself an automatic excuse to crap out on any show he wants to. If Kid Rock’s tired? Hayo, they asked him to take a COVID test. If Kid Rock’s foot hurts? Aw, man, they wanted a mask at that House of Blues! The dude is trying to pull a Neil Young, but he’s coming off like Kanye West. If you’re going to bring together a rabid fanbase of loudmouth assholes, at least do whatever it takes to entertain ’em.

Watch Kid Rock play up his age and pinky-swear to bail on your hometown below:

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