Enlarge Yes, that's Jeff Garlin he's acting against.

That Time Mötley Crüe’s Vince Neil Was on the Sitcom Greetings From Tuscon

  • Axl Rosenberg

Do you remember the sitcom Greetings from Tuscon? Of course you don’t! Nobody does!! It only ran for one season, from 2002 – 2003. Having now seen this compilation of scenes from the show featuring one Mr. Vince Neil, it’s hard to imagine why the program never took off.

Look, it’s a TV show, so of course it’s not bound by the laws of reality. Still, for what appears to be a show theoretically set in the modern world, this shit is more fantastical than The Book of Boba Fett. Some of the more absurd plot points the story asks you to buy:

  • That someone would have to convince Vince Neil to accept money in exchange for being on a reality show.
  • That Vince Neil has ever been monogamous.
  • That Vince Neil has ever struck up a casual conversation with a random security guard.
  • That Vince Neil would take career/life advice from said security guard.
  • That Vince Neil has not hired security for a promotional appearance less than 24 hours before said promotional appearance.
  • That Vince Neil and Tommy Lee are friends who like each other and hang out.
  • That Vince Neil knows how many letters there are in the alphabet.

Enjoy Neil’s scenes below. Yes, that is Jeff Garlin from Curb Your Enthusiasm at the beginning. So that’s something.

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