Enlarge He's already a member of another popular Floridian death metal band.

And the New Guitarist for Deicide Is…

  • Axl Rosenberg

…Taylor Nordberg!

Says Deicide in a statement:

“We are pleased to announce and welcome Taylor Nordberg to the DEICIDE family! An amazing and accomplished guitarist who takes our sound to the next level and brings a profound level of professionalism that completes and compliments the DEICIDE MACHINE!”

Nordberg is already a veteran of a whole buncha different metal projects, the most notable of which include The Absence, Massacre, and Inhuman Condition.

He replaces Chris Cannella (Autumn’s End), who joined the band in 2019, just in time for the pandemic to prevent them from actually doing very much. Cannella himself replaced Mark English (Monstrosity), who appears on 2018’s Overtures of Blasphemy, and English replaced Jack Owen (Six Feet Under, ex-Cannibal Corpse), who was in the band from 2004 – 2016.

In other words, Deicide haven’t had great luck holding onto guitarists these past five or six years. Nordberg is an amazing talent; hopefully he breaks the streak.

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