Rumor: Slipknot’s Sid Wilson is Dating Kelly Osbourne
If there’s one thing we love here at MetalSucks, it’s a hard-hitting news story about an issue that actually matters.
That being the case, we thought you should all know about the VV important rumor going around that Slipknot DJ Sid Wilson, 44, is dating Ozzy Osbourne’s daughter, Kelly, 37.
The rumor, which originates from The Daily Mail, is based on photos Osbourne shared of the duo via her Instagram story. There’s nothing in the photos that explicitly says “WE’RE SLEEPING TOGETHER!”, but it definitely has big “WE’RE SLEEPING TOGETHER!” vibes:

Not really sure what else to say here other than that if Osbourne and Wilson are dating, I hope they’re very happy. And that Kelly has a high tolerance for bad hip-hop. If she can’t look Sid in the eye and tell him this is good with a straight face, their relationship may be short-lived.