Enlarge But the duo still "love each other."

Tracii Guns Doesn’t Agree With Sunbomb Bandmate Michael Sweet’s Stance on Abortion

  • Axl Rosenberg

Stryper frontman Michael Sweet made headlines yesterday for his music.

Just kidding. It’s not 1986. Sweet actually made headlines his staunch position against women’s rights.

A group of women protested a Mississippi law that bans abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy by standing outside the Supreme Court, where the legality of the policy was being argued, and taking pills while chanting slogans like “Abortion pills forever” and “Abortion pills are in our hands, and we won’t stop.” Even though none of the women involved in the demonstration were actually pregnant, Sweet has declared these protests to be “a whole new level of evil,” suggesting he has somehow lead the most sheltered life of any 58-year-old on the planet.

On the other side of the spectrum from Sweet is L.A. Guns’ lead guitarist and namesake, Tracii Guns. Guns and Sweet combined forces for a new project, Sunbomb, whose debut album, Evil and Divine, was released earlier this year. So it’s very much to Guns’ credit that he responded to Sweet’s initial proclamation on social media by saying “It’s none of our business.” I don’t know if the “our” in this case means “other people besides these women” or “aging white guys,” but either way, he’s right.

Sweet responded to Guns’ response by taking the completely reasonable stance that the women who staged the demonstration are “not human”:

“It’s my business when I see a video of 3 women taking joy in it man. That’s not human. There are many women who have had to have abortions and I can guarantee you that it wasn’t a joyful experience. That’s why I posted this. Evil.”

Just to be clear, while that almost makes it sound like Sweet’s sole objection to the protest was the fact that the women were smiling when they took their (again, reportedly 100% fake) pills, this is not the case. Sweet completely ignores the part of his original message where he said the women were “Celebrating the death of the unborn,” and it completely ignores the fact that he included a pro-life hashtag to that message. He is very much in favor of the government having control over all the uteri in the land.

Still, when a fan following the exchange then predicted that this disagreement would mean the demise of Sunbomb, Guns assured him that this is not the case:

“Michael and I love each other. We also disagree on a lot of things.”

Evil and Divine was really good, and Tracii Guns is a much bigger man than I. So. Uh. Yeah. Great.

But Michael Sweet is still a schmuck.


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