Sh*t That Comes out Today: October 22, 2021
Some huge new releases this week but don’t sleep on Green Lung – it’s in my top 10 of the year.

Blackwater Holylight
Silence/Motion (RidingEasy)
A marked departure from their first couple, more psychedelic records, Blackwater Holylight’s third release definitely plunges into the first part of their name. I mean, you don’t grab folks from Mizmor, Thou, or Inter Arma two guests on your album unless you plan on going to some dark places. A little more doom, a little more introspection, but the same mastery of melody they’ve always displayed – whether or not they return to the light, they move confidently into this new phase of their career.

Cradle of Filth
Existence is Futile (NB)
Cradle of Filth albums always tend towards the long side, but it’s not the best sign when their album is the same length as the Dream Theater record that comes out this week. Accordingly, Cradle of Filth’s unlucky 13th feels as packed as a Hieronymus Bosch painting – some extremely memorable parts, some unpleasant ones, and some that just wash over you in a haze of horror. Highlights include “Crawling King Chaos,” “Necromantic Fantasies,” and the mascara-metal of “How to Nurture A Rose?” Embrace the futility.

Dream Theater
A View From the Top of the World (InsideOut)
Sure, it’s yet another “blue sky” Dream Theater album, but even after all these years, innumerable imitators, and probably about a million notes played, nobody does it better. After tightening things up a bit on their last album, they’ve allowed these songs the space to spread out. It works! One astonishing misfire aside, the band has been remarkably consistent in the post-Portnoy era, and this release is no different. They are definitely at the top of their particular world. If you allow yourself to look through their lenses, the view is spectacular.

Every Time I Die
Radical (Epitaph)
Every Time I Die have shown a remarkable commitment to making sure that each broken bone and bloody nose makes its intended recipient think about the reasons behind the beating. For a band with such a chaotic sound, they sure know how to articulate their anger – I don’t really listen to hardcore-adjacent stuff for the lyrics, but ETID are the exception that proves the rule. Radical took five years to get here and it feels like a cathartic release of all the pent up energy trapped inside Keith Buckley and company. Accurate album title!

Green Lung
Black Harvest (Svart)
These songs from the woods didn’t come out of nowhere – 2019’s Woodland Rites made a pretty big splash when these UK-based wicker men self-released it on Bandcamp. Black Harvest takes things to whole new level. Crisper production and the addition of a permanent keyboardist are the most obvious changes, but those would make precious little difference if they had let their songwriting rot in the fields. Instead, they’ve reaped what they’ve sown, and those seeds sprouted into some mighty crops. A stunningly confident sophomore full-length; may their sacrifices to the pagan gods continue to result in bounties like these proto-metal hymns.

Resurgence (NB)
Massacre sure have had a lot of lineups for a band with only five full-lengths in their four-decade career. A quick glance at their Wikipedia page reveals a body count that rivals Re-animator‘s.The latest consists of original vocalist Kam Lee, original bassist Michael Borders, and four guys they hired last year. Whether you consider that Massacre or not, their latest album of Lovecraft-themed death metal kinda rips. Just a good old satisfying Florida-style beatdown. The elder gods would be proud.
1914 – Where Fear And Weapons Meet (Napalm) Listen
Armored Saint – Symbol Of Salvation Live DVD/CD (Metal Blade) Listen
Apparition – Feel (Profound Lore) Listen
Can’t Swim – Change Of Plans (Pure Noise) Listen
Livlos – And Then There Were None (Napalm) Listen
Necrofier – Prophecies Of Eternal Darkness (SoM) Listen
The Pineapple Thief – Nothing But The Truth (Kscope) Listen
Premiata Forneria Marconi – I Dreamed Of Electric Sheep (InsideOut) Listen
Sentinels – Collapse By Design (SharpTone) Listen
Seven Sisters – Shadow Of A Falling Star Pt. 1 (Dissonance) Listen
Starset – Horizons (Fearless) Listen
Worm – Foreverglade (20 Buck Spin) Listen