Insomnium Cancel Tour to “Take a Break”

Insomnium have canceled their upcoming European tour with Omnium Gatherum. It had been set to take place in November and December.
In a brief statement accompanying the announcement, the band cited only “personal reasons” and said they planned to “take a break for a couple of months to re-group.”
The band did not cite issues related to Covid-19 as the reason for the cancelation, although that seems the most likely explanation; tours in Europe are generally not going on as planned the way they are in the States right now due to differing restrictions in each country for large gatherings. Additionally, even when touring is technically possible, a number of bands simply aren’t willing to take the financial risk of launching a tour when it could all come crashing down at any moment due to a rogue infection in the touring party, leaving them deep in the red.
It’s also possible the cancelation has nothing to do with Covid-19. Again, they simply didn’t say.
Here’s the statement:
“We were looking forward to hitting the road again next month together with our brother in OG. Unfortunately, due to personal reasons, we are forced to cancel the tour and take a break for a couple of months to re-group. We were excited to be back on stage but this will take a little longer than expected. Ticket will be refunded and point of purchase. We can’t wait to see you again next year.”
We wish the lads in Insomnium all the best in their re-grouping and hope to see them back stronger than ever next spring.