Enlarge The Megadeth mastermind rails against "tyranny."

Dave Mustaine is Anti-Mask and Possibly Anti-Vaxx, Because of Course He Is

  • Axl Rosenberg

Dave Mustaine has taken a stance against masking and alluded to the “tyranny” of vaccine mandates, surprising no one.

The Megadeth mastermind is a self-professed Bill O’Reilly devotee who in the past has argued for secession, declared himself a birther, accused President Obama of “staging” the tragic shootings in Aurora and Wisconsin in order to turn the U.S. into “Nazi America,” spoken out against gay marriage, instructed African women to “put a plug in it,” and endorsed Rick Santorum for President.

Megadeth are currently on tour with Lamb of God, Trivium, and Hatebreed. Before the trek commenced, LoG frontman Randy Blythe made a plea for fans coming to shows to be vaccinated and wear a mask.

But speaking to the crowd at the BB&T Pavilion in Camden, NJ last night (September 15), Mustaine made it clear he’s not on the same page as Blythe. Addressing what he sees as “tyrannical” ongoing efforts to curb the COVID-19 pandemic — including making children, who are ineligble for vaccination, wear masks in school — the singer/guitarist said:

“I just wanna tell you how great it is. Look around you, guys. Look to your right, look to your left, and look how wonderful this is. We’re all here together. We’re not freaking out, and we’re not yelling at people, ‘Wear your fucking mask.’

“Listen, it starts with this kind of a sensation that we build right now. We feel together, we feel like [there’s] strength in numbers. We feel like we are invincible. People will not be able to stop us.

“Right now, what’s going on is tyranny. This is called tyranny. Look it up when you get home. And tyranny isn’t only in government. Tyranny right now is in the schools and tyranny is in the medical business.

“We have the power, especially us… heavy metal fans, we have the power to change things.”

Incidentally, BB&T Pavilion is a Live Nation venue, meaning everyone at this show, from the audience members to the venue staff to the musicians and their crew, will be required to show proof of vaccination to gain entry… starting October 4. Mustaine just made it in under the wire.

You can watch video of Mustaine’s speech below.

Megadeth are currently readying their new album, titled, appropriately enough, The Sick, The Dead, and The Dying.

Remaining Megadeth/Lamb of God/Trivium/Hatebreed tour dates:

9/16 Holmdel, NJ @ PNC Bank Arts Center [tickets]
9/18 Noblesville, IN @ Ruoff Music Center [tickets]
9/19 Clarkston, MI @ DTE Energy Music Theatre [tickets]
9/20 Cincinnati, OH @ PNC Pavilion [tickets]
9/22 Rogers, AR @ Walmart AMP [tickets]
9/24 Mount Pleasant, MI @ Soaring Eagle Casino Amphitheatre [tickets]
9/26 St. Louis, MO @ Hollywood Casino Amphitheatre – St. Louis [tickets]
9/28 Minneapolis, MN @ Armory [tickets]
9/30 Toronto, ON @ Budweiser Stage [tickets]
10/1 Laval, QC @ Place Bell [tickets]
10/2 Quebec City, QC @ Centre Videotron [tickets]


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