Enlarge "We feel it’s not realistic to play shows in a safe/responsible manner and the best thing to do is hang back and wait until the situation improves."

Red Fang Cancel U.S. Tour


Red Fang have canceled their upcoming fall tour dates — including an appearance at the Louder Than Life Festival in Kentucky — “in the interest of public safety.”

Says the band in a statement:

“Unfortunately, our cautious optimism has turned into stark realism and we have decided to cancel our appearance at Louder Than Life festival and our upcoming Fall US tour in the interest of public safety. We feel it’s not realistic to play shows in a safe/responsible manner and the best thing to do is hang back and wait until the situation improves. Until then, take care of each other. Love, Red Fang.”

Red Fang are just the latest band who have had upcoming tour plans derailed by the ongoing pandemic, after Corey TaylorNine Inch NailsDeftonesKorn, the Foo FightersBuckcherryLimp Bizkit, Wolfgang Van Halen’s Mammoth WVH, Iron Maiden’s Bruce DickinsonIntronautPop EvilThe SkullAlesanaLight the Torch, Winger and Incubus.

The band’s most recent album, Arrows, was released earlier this year via Relapse.

[via Lambgoat]

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