Enlarge Impatient for new Megadeth? This guy took matters into his own hands!

Video: Dude Assembles Leaked Megadeth Riffs Into a Full Song


Shawn McNair, a huge Megadeth fan and avid MetalSucks reader, is just as excited for Megadeth’s upcoming album, The Sick, The Dying, and The Dead, as a lot of you. Megadeth mega-main-man Dave Mustaine has let a few brief previews of riffs peek through his recent Cameo videos, but those are just quick snippets, and Shawn got impatient… so he took matters into his own hands.

Using the three riffs that have been previewed so far by Mustaine, Shawn learned, played and recorded them, added some bass and drums, and assembled them into a song. He even added two guitar solos, one in the style of Kiko Loureiro and one in the style of Mustaine.

The resulting 1:40 of music is an abbreviated version (i.e. just one chorus, verse, etc.) of what a new Megadeth song might sound like! Given, McNair has taken some extreme creative liberties, and we don’t even know that the three riffs Mustaine shared publicly are from the same song. But still! What a fun concept. And he’s done a great job with it.

McNair explains to MetalSucks:

“I know the upcoming Megadeth release is very anticipated at the moment, and I feel that a video like this would do very well with your audience who I am sure are just as eager as I was and am to hear any bit of new Megadeth.”

Give it a spin below. Good job, Shawn! We can only hope new Megadeth rips this hard.

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