Exclusive Full Album Stream: Burn in Hell’s Disavowal of the Creator God
People make a big deal out of MetalSucks being vocally outspoken against the far-right — and not always in a good way. It’s as though there’s a portion of the metal community that believes it’s impossible to make thoroughly vengeful music without being a complete dickwad.
Australia’s Burn in Hell are proof positive that this is not the case. Their new album, Disavowal of the Creator God, is unbelievably heavy, indescribably punishing, and exploding at the seams with animosity; it’s like the band listened to Converge, Xibalba, and Full of Hell, said “What is this weak-ass ballady shit?”, and kicked everything up twenty-five notches. This album could liquify your brain.
But the band’s rage is also righteous: the music video for Disavowal single “Bleach” opens with statistics about the rise of Western, far-right terrorism, and includes the message “Death to White Nationalism.”
The result is that Disavowal of the Creator God is just a really, really, really great metal record (it is) — but it’s indignation also feels supremely earnest. Burn in Hell aren’t bellyaching because mommy and daddy were mean them; the world is falling apart around us, and they are, understandably, FUCKING PISSED.
Do yourself a favor: turn your speakers way, way, WAY the fuck up and crank Disavowal of the Creator God below. It comes out this Friday, August 6 via Reason and Rage Records. Pre-order it here (vinyl) or here (digital)!!!