Sh*t That Comes Out Today: July 2, 2021
Here’s some new metal to piss off your neighbors with at your July 4 barbecue. One of the bands is even American!

At the Gates
The Nightmare of Being (Century Media)
No, it’s not Slaughter of the Soul redux, smartass. At the Gates’ latest venture through the red in the sky involves some of the most ornate riffs of their career while also delving into new depths of existential dread. Yes, it is the most mature work of their career. And it feels undeniably them — even the saxophone parts! I just wish the hooks were a little stronger, or at least strong enough to jab through the rib cage and pin these songs to the heart like their best work in the past.

Dream Tröll
Realm of the Tormentor (Self-released)
Do you love metal that sounds like it should’ve been in a straight-to-video horror movie from the 80s but, like, way better than any of the songs that actually would’ve been in a DTV horror movie? Dream Tröll deliver the perfect blend of NWOBHM, AOR, THX — all those acronyms. New vocalist Ash Elliott slides effortlessly into the role like a chrome-skulled viper. I’m not sure if this is a full-length or an EP (it kinda straddles the two) but with songs this good it kinda doesn’t matter — you’re gonna be kind and rewind the hell outta this.

Sun Crow
Quest for Oblivion (Ripple)
Despite the name, these obsidian corvids don’t spread much Vitamin D in their journey towards the void. Sabbath-inspired heavy rock from the Pacific Northwest (but somehow not grunge, which could be described the same way), Sun Crow bring a welcome pall of darkness wherever they go. Ripple Music decided to rerelease their self-released debut. You can hear why — even clocking in at over an hour, their doomy swagger never grows old.

Year of No Light
Consolamentum (Pelagic)
Post-metal, my nemesis, we meet again. It’s not that I don’t like the stuff; I’ve just run out of ways to say new things about it. Year of No Light practice an especially apocalyptic version of the form — the vampires from 30 Days of Night would have a field day in this pitch-black environment. If there are vocals, they’re buried so deep in the sediment of feedback and synthesizers I can’t really make them out. The sheer existential despair comes through crystal clear; as Chuck Eddy once said re: Sabbath, the rumble articulates what words never could.
Born of Osiris – Angel or Alien (Sumerian) Listen
Die Apokalyptischen Reiter – The Divine Horsemen (NB) Listen
Lord of the Lost – Judas (Napalm) Listen
Mondo Generator – Live At Bronson (Heavy Psych Sounds) Listen
Nanowar of Steel – Italian Folk Metal (Napalm) Listen
Nick Oliveri – N.O. Hits At All Vol. 7 (Heavy Psych Sounds) Listen
Noctambulist – The Barren Form (Willowtip) Listen