Iron Maiden Release Beer Cooler, Announce Online Listening Party for Seventh Son

Beer coolers seem like low-hanging fruit when it comes to metal band merch, don’t they? I’m kinda surprised we don’t see this more frequently. But the usual suspects for this sorta licensed product — Kiss, Metallica, Slayer*, etc. — don’t make coolers. Beer Koozies, sure — but entire beer coolers, not so much.
Enter Iron Maiden. The British legends have teamed with Igloo to make a 14 quart cooler featuring their logo and a variation of this collection of Eddie iterations from throughout the years. It’s fifty bucks and as of this writing is already sold out, at least for now — you can sign up for a notification when more become available.
Now, I know what you’re thinking, but I’m not gonna do it. I’m not gonna point out that Igloo sells the same exact product without the Maiden stuff on it for $22 less, or even larger coolers for $33 less, and that you could easily purchase one of those and just put Iron Maiden stickers (or any bands’ stickers, or anything you goddamn well please) all over it. Brexit is really hurting Bruce Dickinson’s wallet right now and he needs our support. Absolutely do not buy one of Igloo’s and Pimp My Ride it with Maiden shit yourself. Go here and sign up for the wait list like a good pup.
In related (and, IMO, more exciting) news, Iron Maiden have announced that they’re gonna do a Seventh Son of a Seventh Son Twitter listening party for Tim’s Twitter Listening Party, hosted by Tim Burgess (The Charlatans). Dickinson previously did one of these for Powerslave back in February; obviously I wasn’t the only person who enjoyed that!
The listening party is set for Friday, July 9 at 8 pm BST/ 3 pm EST/ noon PST (they don’t say what time zone, but let’s assume it’s BST since Brucie is trapped in England). To participate in the listening party, follow @ironmaiden, @tim_burgess, @LlSTENlNG_PARTY and #TimsTwitterListeningParty on Twitter. If you’re not able to join the party in real time, you can get the replay on afterwards.
*Huge digression: when I was searching for Slayer beer coolers online, it came to my attention that Igloo have a competitor called Shiti Coolers. This being the case, I don’t know why you’d ever buy from anyone else ever. You can walk around with a cooler that says “SHITI” in it in huge letters and you’re thinking about Iron Maiden coolers? P’shaw!