Enlarge The band's most-technical sounding track to date is characteristically catchy as hell.

Make Them Suffer Debut New Song + Video With Spiritbox’s Courtney LaPlante

  • Axl Rosenberg

Make Them Suffer, the most destructive thing to emerge from Australia since Mel Gibson’s DUI, have released a new song and music video, “Contraband,” featuring Spiritbox vocalist Courtney LaPlante.

I think the song is fucking great. It’s their most technical-sounding song to date, but it retains their greatest strength — undeniably magnetic hooks. Mileage will vary on keyboardist (and recent Married at First Sight contestant) Booka Nile’s clean vocals, which suffer from a bad case of the autotunes. But even — maybe especially — that part of the song is going to take up residence in your mind long after the track ends.

As for the video… it’s… it’s interesting! You shouldn’t not watch it.

Says vocalist Sean Hermanis of “Contraband”:

“‘Contraband’ came together centered around one of the riffs in the song that we’d aptly named the ‘floppy fingers’ riff. We’d actually had this [riff] in the bank since way back in 2016. As the song came together, we decided that it was a great opportunity to include Make Them Suffer’s first-ever guest feature, and we couldn’t have picked anyone better than Courtney! She was a joy to work with and showed such a great enthusiasm toward the song and her parts.”

He continues:

“Lyrically, the song is about everything and nothing at the same time. It’s about relationships with friends and family. But it’s also a low-key political song, as well as an expression of the frustrations surrounding COVID and its impact on our lives, particularly as members of the music community.”

He concludes:

“‘Contraband’ is a build up — the result of two years without musical catharsis.”

You can check out both the song and video below.

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