Enlarge This song is metal's answer to the pre-flight safety briefing.

“Brace” for a New Flotsam and Jetsam Song

  • Axl Rosenberg

The lyrics to Flotsam and Jetsam’s new single, “Brace for Impact,” are next-level silly. They’re basically metal’s answer to the pre-flight safety briefing for people who don’t know how to use a seatbelt and think if the plane goes down whether or not they survive will be almost completely arbitrary.

For example:

You can’t get out of the way
No matter how you try
If you don’t brace for impact
There’s a chance to die
Grab a hold, take a seat
Bow your head and tighten up and spread your feet

Cue Will Ferrell rapping about the nothingness of death.

Otherwise, the song is basically your boilerplate thrash tune.

If that’s something you’re in the mood for, you can check it out via the below music video!

“Brace for Impact” will appear on Flotsam and Jetsam’s new album, Blood in the Water, which is out June 4 on AFM Records. Pre-order it here.

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