Enlarge "Some music I know is going to pull me out or lift me up or help me get through, give me the strength to get to the other side."

Steve Von Till (Neurosis) Explains How Music Has Gotten Him Through Tough Times


Neurosis guitarist and vocalist Steve Von Till was our guest on a recent episode of The MetalSucks Podcast to discuss his work as a solo artist, his latest album, No Wilderness Deep Enough, his first book of poetry and more.

At one point during the chat, Von Till’s attention turned to the role that music has played in getting him through the most difficult and trying periods of his life. He explained:

“You’re probably the same, right? We’re music fans, right? Music saves me all the time. Whenever shit’s going on, whether it’s real, imagined, internal, external, some music I know is going to pull me out or lift me up or help me get through, give me the strength to get to the other side. There’s always a soundtrack. It’s always the thing you can rely on.

“And making music, putting a guitar in my hand, is one of the ways I feel most at peace in the world. These songs are songs of sadness, longing, beauty, hope, the promise of a future, the reflection of the past and [Von Till’s solo album] A Life Unto Itself is really kind of looking back on everything I have experienced up to that point. Looking upon it with gratitude, looking for all the bountiful things I’ve been able to experience in my life, coming to peace with the things that were uncomfortable or difficult.

“I really didn’t know what the record was about [when I started it]. I don’t preconceive what my lyrics are gonna be about. I don’t have concepts I chase. Whenever I chase a cerebral concept, it always sucks. It’s only when I go gut level and let it flow naturally that I come across something that, to me, feels more compelling. That’s where it feels like I’m channeling something that’s just out there like the weather. If I put the antenna out and have faith that it will flow, then it does. If I try to force it, sometimes I end up beating my head against the wall, thinking it’s bullshit. 

You can listen to the full chat with Von Till below or here.

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