Enlarge Vocalist Burton Seabell was inspired to write the lyrics after Dino Cazares farted in the studio one day.

Fear Factory Premiere New Song “Fuel Injected Suicide Machine”

  • Axl Rosenberg

Fear Factory have released “Fuel Injected Suicide Machine,” the second single from their forthcoming album, Aggression Continuum.

Vocalist Burton Seabell was inspired to write the lyrics for “Fuel Injected Suicide Machine” after Dino Cazares farted in the studio one day.

Kidding! The track’s title is actually a reference to a line from the original Mad Max (1979).

Beyond that, I don’t actually know what the song is about. Seabell keeps yelling “I hate everything!” which seems to make it a spiritual brother of Chimaira’s “Pure Hatred,” in which vocalist Mark Hunter repeatedly declares that he hates everyone. So there’s that.

Here’s what I can tell you about the song: it’s good! And I say that as someone who is generally pretty indifferent towards Fear Factory. The only part I don’t dig is the cleanly-sung chorus. Not because it’s a bad chorus, but because Seabell is a bad singer. Wouldn’t it be funny if after all these years the only thing it took to get me to appreciate Fear Factory was a better vocalist?

Listen to “Fuel Injected Suicide Machine” below. Go here to check out the first single, “Disruptor.” Aggression Continuum is out June 18.

Still no word on who is replacing Seabell in Fear Factory.

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