Enlarge "A bunch" of pro-Manson social media accounts had their IPs traced back to the Hollywood Hills, where Manson and Lindsay Usich live.

Marilyn Manson and His Wife Allegedly Tried to Silence His Accusers

  • Axl Rosenberg

Marilyn Manson and his wife, photographer Lindsay Usich, attempted to silence at least one Instagram account dedicated to exposing the accusations of abuse that have been leveled against the shock rocker, Metal Hammer reports.

The magazine spoke with Laura, a woman who runs the Instagram page Mansonisabusive. Laura alleges that Usich ostensibly threatened to dox her:

“Lindsay talked a lot about IP addresses and how she knew my location and stuff, but I don’t really think she ever did. She always tried to scare me.” 

Manson and Usich did both block Laura’s personal Instagram account, which is completely unassociated with Mansonisabusive, leading Laura to believe that Usich did indeed obtain her IP address.

Additionally, evidence suggests that Manson and Usich may be behind other social media accounts that have harassed and/or sought to delegitimize Mansonisabusive:

“A contact working for the Phoenix Act has confirmed that “a bunch” of fan accounts sending abuse to Alex, Ellie and others link back to IP addresses in the Hollywood Hills. The likelihood that a load of Manson’s abusive fans all live in the same exclusive seven square mile area seems slim. But we know who does live there: Manson and Usich.”

The allegations line up with statement’s made by Manson’s initial accuser, actress Evan Rachel Wood. She claims that Usich, along with someone named Leslee Lane, were “conspiring to release photos of me when I was UNDERAGE, after being given large amounts of drugs and alcohol, after Brian performed on Halloween in Las Vegas, to ‘ruin my career’ and ‘shut me up.’”

You can read Metal Hammer‘s entire report here.

To date, fifteen women have come forward to accuse Manson of sexual violence and both physical and psychological abuse. Most recently,  Ashley Morgan Smithline, an actress and former model, told People that Manson is the “most terrifying monster in the world.” A week prior, Game of Thrones cast member Esmé Bianco filed a lawsuit against Manson and his former manager, Tony Ciulla, alleging sexual assault and sex trafficking.

Manson has called the allegations “horrible distortions of reality.” But the fallout has already been tremendous, with the singer being dropped by his label, Loma Vistahis agency, CAA, and Ciulla. He was also fired from television roles on the programs American Gods and Creepshow, and may be the subject of an FBI investigation.

[via Metal Insider]

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