Enlarge He was the sole remaining original member of the long-running stoner metal group.

Karma to Burn Founding Guitarist Will Mecum Has Died [UPDATED]


Update, 11:59pm EDT: An additional source tells MetalSucks that Mecum was on life support as of this afternoon when this article was first published, but has since passed.

Original Post:

Will Mecum, founding guitarist of long-running stoner metal outfit Karma to Burn, has died, sources tell MetalSucks.

Mecum founded Karma to Burn in 1994 in Morgantown, West Virginia with bassist Rich Mullins and drummer Nathan Limbaugh. He was the only original member still active in the band’s current lineup, which also includes bassist Eric Clutter (since 2015) and drummer Evan Devine (since 2012). Karma to Burn broke up from 2002 until 2009, during which time Mecum played in Treasure Cat. The Mountain Czar EP, Karma to Burn’s most recent release, came out in 2016, while Arch Stanton was their final full-length two years earlier.

No further information is available. On behalf of everyone at MetalSucks, we wish Will’s family, friends and bandmates all the best.

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