Enlarge The electronic hypnoscape masters have a new track, with their next album, 'Liquid Crystal,' arriving in May.

Zombi Get Bleak and Moody on “Mangler”


I have this weird thing where if I fall asleep before 11:00pm or so I’ll wake up in the middle of the night and just be… up. It’s like my body and brain need to pass that 11:00pm threshold to sufficiently drain themselves of the day’s energy to prep for sleep. Last night I passed out around 10, exhausted from a day of work and childcare, and sure enough, 2:30am rolls around and *bing!* eyes open. I spent the next two hours trying to get back to sleep to no avail, so I eventually gave up, got out of bed and started working in an attempt to get ahead of my day.

“Mangler,” the latest track from electronic hypnoscape masters Zombi, is the perfect accompaniment to my bleary-eyed morning, fully encapsulating my dream-like state and bleak, sleepless hopelessness. It hits the spot, which isn’t to say it helps matters at all… only confirms my mood, the same way sometimes you’ll be venting about some bullshit to a friend and you simply need them to say “Wow, that fucking sucks,” instead of trying to offer useful advice.

Listen to “Mangler” below. Liquid Crystal comes out May 14 via Relapse Records; physical pre-orders are available here while downloads/streaming are available here. Previous single “Black Forest” came out in March.

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