Enlarge For fans of Cannibal Corpse, Morbid Angel and Devourment. Featuring current and ex-members of Maestus, Arkhum and Pillorian.

Paraphilia Deliver Needed Dose of Pure Death Metal Brutality on Debut EP


Do you wish Cannibal Corpse would become even heavier? Do you fantasize that 1995 Morbid Angel would step into a time warp and appear on stage in front of you? Do you pine for a new Hate Eternal record? Do you wish all of those bands would lean a tad bit more into Devourment territory?

Friends, I hate to break it to you but none of those things is likely to happen today, so I present you the following: Paraphilia, the sickest death metal band you’ll hear today, this week, this month, and maybe even this year. Formed by Portland-based brothers SP and KRP (Maestus, ex-Arkhum, ex-Pillorian), the duo bring the blasts, riffs, bellows, grooves and yes, slams, in a visceral yet hook-based way. You’ll be headbanging AND you’ll remember what you just heard after just one listen.

Stream the band’s debut EP, Primordium of Sinister Butchery — consisting of three originals plus a Deicide cover — below via No Clean Singing and/or pick it up at Bandcamp.

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