Enlarge For fans of: Insomnium, Type O Negative, Gojira.

Brooklyn Metal Upstarts Nefariant Unveil New Video and EP, Fowl


It’s been a minute since we heard from Nefariant (ex-IKILLYA), who put out their promising debut EP in January of 2020. The pause is understandable, of course: the pandemic has had a way of pausing just about everything.

But the band is back, having taken the past year to recharge and work on new material. Nefariant have recorded three new songs on top of the self-titled EP’s initial three, had them all mixed by Ulrich Wild (Deftones, Pantera), renamed the whole effort Fowl, and filmed a video for “Life on Fire.” All of that comes out today in one fell swoop!

Frontman and band mastermind Jason Lekberg told MetalSucks before he even formed the band that he wanted to start a project that mixed elements of Insomnium, Type O Negative and Gojira. I’d say he succeeded! It’s a combo that might seem odd on paper, but absolutely works in practice.

Watch the video for “Life on Fire” below — along with the full EP stream via Bandcamp — and see what you think.

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