Enlarge It sounds kinda like "Swamp Thing" by The Grid.

“Kawaii Cowboys”: Does Attack Attack!’s New Song “Change Metalcore Forever”?

  • Axl Rosenberg

Attack Attack! are back are back! That’s terrible news for music, but terrific news for comedy.

So: the band has released a new track, “Kawaii Cowboys,” which the band has humbly promised will “change metalcore FOREVER.” I think they’re just kidding around, but maybe not?

Regardless, this is probably the least-worst thing the band has ever produced. It kinda reminds me of The Grid’s “Swamp Thing.” It feels like it should be on an ESPN compilation or something.

Listen below, then discuss whether or not metalcore has been irrevocably changed forever or not in the comments section.

[via The PRP]

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