Enlarge The Staind singer has a gloriously stupid new song celebrating conservatism.

Aaron Lewis Slams Bruce Springsteen; Bruce Springsteen Wonders, “Who’s Aaron Lewis?”

  • Axl Rosenberg

Staind’s Aaron Lewis is a true American patriot. The kind of true American patriot who doesn’t know the words to the national anthem*, but still! He loves this country and he thinks if you in any way, shape, or form question the decision of its conservative leaders, you should get the fuck out. Also, fuck Bruce Springsteen.

That’s ostensibly the message behind Lewis’ latest solo country track, “Am I the Only One” (it doesn’t have a question mark, presumably because Lewis doesn’t know what a question mark is). Lewis hasn’t released a studio recording of the track yet, but he’s been performing it live in places where coronavirus restrictions are very lax, because, oh hey, those just happen to be the same places where singing this nonsense won’t result in him being run out of town by an angry mob with torches and pitchforks.

Here are some of the stupidest, and therefore funniest, lyrics from the song:

  • “If you don’t like it, there’s the fucking door!” One of the many, many, many baffling aspects of the “love it or leave it” mentality is that it assumes only conservatives have a right to their opinion — because otherwise, wouldn’t they just have left en masse when Biden won the election?
  • “Am I the only one willing to bleed or take a bullet for being free?” Lewis has never served in the military. Shit, unlike some rock musicians, he wasn’t even macho enough to help try and overthrow the government, despite being a massive Trump supporter. I’m just saying there’s no real evidence that Lewis would bleed or take a bullet “for being free.”
  • “As the statues come down in a town near you.” Lewis seems to be advocating for the continued celebration of racist Confederate leaders. Lewis is from Massachusetts, which fought for the Union.
  • “Am I the only who quit singing along every time they play a Springsteen song?” Dammmmmnnnnn, that is a SIQQ burn, bruh! I’m sure Springsteen is really bummed that his moral compass has alienated an eighth-rate nu-metal singer he’s never heard of. YOU SHOWED THAT SON OF A BITCH!

You can watch Lewis perform the song at the bottom of this post, or, better yet, just read the lyrics below. And before you get too offended, remember that this guy once compared Fred Durst to the Dali Lama, so intellectual discourse is clearly not his forte.

Am I the only one here tonight
Shaking my head and thinking something ain’t right?
Is it just me?
Am I losing my mind?
Am I standing on the edge of the end of time?
Am I the only one?
Tell me I’m not
Who thinks they’re taking all the good we got?
And turning it back
Hell, I’ll be damned
I’m turning into my old man

Am I the only one willing to bleed
Or take a bullet for being free?
Screaming ‘What the fuck!’ at my TV
For telling me
Yeah, are you telling me?
And I’m the only one willing to fight
For my love of the red and white and the blue
Burning on the ground
As the statues coming down in a town near you
Watching the threads of Old Glory come undone

Am I the only one?

Am I the only one not brainwashed
Making my way through the land of the lost
Who still gives a shit
And worries about his kids
While they try to undo all the things he did
And I’m the only one who can’t take no more
Screaming, ‘If you don’t like it, there’s the fucking door’
This ain’t the freedom we been fighting for
It was something more
Yeah, it was something more
Am I the only one willing to bleed?

Am I the only one willing to fight
For my love of the red and white and the blue
Burning on the ground
As the statues come down in a town near you
Watch the threads of Old Glory come undone
Am I the only one?
I can’t be the only one

Am I the only who quit singing along
Every time they play a Springsteen song?

Am I the only one still sitting here
Still holding on, holding back my tears
For the ones who give, with the lives they gave
God bless the USA
I’m not the only one willing to fight
For my love of the red and white and the blue
Burning on the ground
As the statues coming down in a town near you
Watching the thread of Old Glory come undone

I’m not the only one
I can’t be the only one
I’m not the only one

*Christ help us if someone ever asks this dude to recite the pledge of allegiance. Motherfucker’d be talking about “the republic for Richard Stands” n’ shit.


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