Enlarge Cavalera continues his long history fo writing furious protest music.

Max Cavalera’s Go Ahead and Die Premiere “Toxic Freedom”

  • Axl Rosenberg

Go Ahead and Die, the new project featuring Max Cavalera (ex-Sepultura, Soulfly, Cavalera Conspiracy, Killer Be Killed, etc.), Zach Coleman (Khemmis), and Igor Amadeus Cavalera (Max Cavalera’s testicles), have released a new single, “Toxic Freedom.” You can stream it below.

It’s a good, if not spectacular, song. It’s basically a hardcore song with a deathrash conclusion that could have come straight off any number of other Max Cavalera releases. Certainly it’s easy to back the lyrics, which continue Cavalera’s 30+ year history of writing great protest music (“It’s always authority killing minorities”). I just don’t know that it will, like, blow your mind or anything.

As always, I encourage you to listen for yourself and form your own opinion, secure in the knowledge that if you do not agree with me 100%, you are incorrect.

“Toxic Freedom” will appear on Go Ahead and Die’s eponymous debut, which is out June 11.

[via The PRP]

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