Green Jellÿ’s New Song, “Punk Rock Pope,” Is Surprisingly Catchy

If the members of Green Jellÿ are reading this, here’s an anecdote that will surely make them feel old, because it makes ME feel old and they’ve got several years on me.
A couple of years back I showed my then-four-year-old the video for “Three Little Pigs,” figuring he’d dig the animation and maybe the song (I was 10 when it hit the airwaves and I was OBSESSED but, ya know, youth these days!). He friggin’ LOVED IT. Watched it over and over and over again after pre-school every day, memorized all the words, and had a hundred adorable questions about everything in the video (“what’s that burning stick in his mouth?” “why is that guy shooting paint?” “who’s Rambo?”). It’s now a staple in our household listening routine.
That has little to do with the band’s new song, “Punk Rock Pope,” but I felt like sharing! I admittedly haven’t paid much attention to Green Jellÿ in recent years, but this new jam is way catchier and better than I was expecting! It’s got a solid, mid-paced groove, subtle industrial undertones and a hooky as hell choral refrain. You’ve been warned.
Garbage Band Kids, the band’s first new album since 2009, arrives on June 11. Press copy boasts that the band brought in “one of the creators” of the iconic ’80s trading card series Garbage Pail Kids for the artwork without saying who… which is odd… but you can clearly see the influence. Anyhoo, stream the track below.