Enlarge The frontman is not modest about the universal praise bestowed upon his girthy nape.

Corpsegrinder: “My Neck’s My Money-Maker”


Cannibal Corpse frontman George “Corpsegrinder” Fisher’s neck is the stuff of legends. At once girthy, strong and powerful, not only does it enable the frontman to windmill continuously for long stretches of time during the band’s performances, but it has become an object of adoration unto itself, its appearance unmatched anywhere else in metal. Behold:

Corpsegrinder: “My Neck’s My Money-Maker”
Cannibal Corpse. Photo Credit: Dylan Duncan for MetalSucks
Corpsegrinder: “My Neck’s My Money-Maker”
Photo Credit: Nathaniel C. Shannon for MetalSucks
Corpsegrinder: “My Neck’s My Money-Maker”

It’s no surprise, then, that Corpsegrinder knows where his bread is buttered and acknowledges the crucial role his storied nape plays in not only his, but his band’s, success.

In a new chat with Louder Sound, when asked if he ever gets sick of people talking about his neck, he replied:

“No, it’s part of me. I can’t be jealous of my neck – what would I do without it? Some women who in the adult industry have their money-makers. I sing in Cannibal Corpse, and my neck’s my money-maker. I spin my neck to make my money.

“If you do a George Corpsegrinder word association with people, the first things they’ll say is “neck.” “Neck” and “headbanging.” They’re not gonna say “‘He’s the greatest singer,” they’re gonna say “his neck,” But, you know, there are worse things to be remembered for. I could be remembered for being a complete asshole.”

I’d throw Target, claw machines and World of Warcraft into that word association hat, but the man is not wrong: his neck is probably still #1. It is a truly magnificent creation! Although we’re forced to wonder: does he have any kind of exercise routine to keep his neck in shape, especially during the off-season?

Cannibal Corpse’s new album, Violence Unimagined, has spawned three singles so far: “Condemnation Contagion,” “Murderous Rampage,” and “Inhumane Harvest.” Violence Unimagined is out April 16 on Metal Blade. Pre-order it here. The band is “hopeful” they’ll be able to tour in the first half of 2022.

Corpsegrinder was our recent guest on The MetalSucks Podcast to discuss the new album, amongst other topics, and he jokingly called himself “a stubborn old jerk” because he refuses to pay for streaming music services.

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