Enlarge The stoner/sludge band venture into proggy new territory on their latest.

Boss Keloid Share Uplifting New Ripper, “Gentle Clovis”


A few days ago I was rocking out to a playlist consisting of Robyn, Dokken, Luke Bryan and Ashley McBride — you know, a usual afternoon for me — when a press release arrived in my inbox about Boss Keloid, a band whose praises we’ve sung in this space before. Begrudgingly, I hit pause on what I was listening to give the new song by BoKee, as I call them for short, a gander. Nothing against BoKee, I was just really rocking out and I was in the flow state, you know?

Thankfully, Boss Keloid (as the kids call them) did not disappoint! I knew this band was good before, but my, how they’ve evolved! They still lean into the stoner and sludge side of things, their bread and butter, but “Gentle Clovis” finds them not only with a bit less outward aggression but in a major key, combining the uplifting vibes of stoner-pop stalwarts like Torche and Baroness with the grandiose hooks of Queen and, uh, I dunno, Silverchair. In the time it took me to type all that the song’s gone and morphed into a skronky, proggy, dissonant headfucker, so the old Boss Keloid are still there, to be sure. But I’m digging the evolution either way, and I’m liking this song.

Vocalist Alex Hurst comments on the song: 

“Gentle Clovis is all about staying true to your roots and those parts of you which make you individual, whilst abandoning your ego when the greater good can benefit. It’s a song about family, friends and letting your strengths individually or as part of a collective flourish and carry you.”

Check out “Gentle Clovis” below along with a trippy video. BoKee’s new album, Family The Smiling Thrush, arrives June 4 via Ripple Music (pre-order). Now, excuse me, the latest Dustin Lynch song awaits.

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