Enlarge The entire song will be released this Friday, April 16.

Listen to Fifteen Seconds of Fear Factory’s New Single, “Disruptor”

  • Axl Rosenberg

Fear Factory have released a fifteen-second-long teaser for their new single, “Disruptor.” You can check it out below. The entire song will be released this Friday, April 16.

“Disruptor” will be the first single from Fear Factory’s first new album in nearly six years, Aggression Continuum.

The album was originally recorded in 2017 with longtime Fear Factory frontman Burton Seabell handling vocals, although he has since quit the group. Acting on his own, guitarist Dino Cazares added some finishing touches to the album in recent months with funds sourced from a Crowdfunding campaign, but Burton called the fundraising effort a “scam,” distancing himself from the effort before eventually quitting the band. Burton then issued a longer statement on his decision to leave, and Cazares put out a statement of his own that left the door open for Burton to rejoin while also calling out Burton’s “lies, the negativity and the blame.” It later came out that Cazares had previously acquired 100% of the rights to use the Fear Factory name in a years-long court battle.

More recently, Cazares revealed that bassist Tony Campos (Static-X, ex-Soulfly, ex-Prong, etc.) and drummer Mike Heller (Azure Emote) remain part of the line-up. He also hinted that they’ve already hired a new singer. Although that singer’s identity remains a mystery for now, it probably doesn’t matter anyway, as it’s apparently an unknown.

Be back here Friday for the entirety of “Disruptor”…

[via The PRP]

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