Enlarge And Clown from Slipknot sold his NFT for $14,000.

Megadeth NFT Sells for $18,000

  • Axl Rosenberg

Thrash legends Megadeth sold their 1st NFT for 8.4 ETH, which is a little over $18K USD, on 4/12/21, according to The PRP.

20% of the Megadeth NFT sale will go to the NFT’s creator, who will pay taxes on it in 2022, presumably with a 1099. I would advise the band’s members to put the remaining 80% in a 401(k), but that’s just my 2 cents.

This follows the sale of Slipknot percussionist M. Shawn “Clown” Crahan’s first NFT on 4/2/21 for 6.429973513 ETH, which is almost $14K USD.

Asking Alexandria’s Danny Worsnop is also selling NFTs but has thus far made 0.0 ETH, which is precisely $0.00 USD, or £0.00 GBP (since Wornsop is British).

The 411 on NFTs is that they’re basically gloried GIFs for S.O.B.s with low IQs IMO. FU if you disagree.

In related news, Megadeth spent part of their 2020 recording an album for 2021 or maybe 2022 depending on what happens with COVID-19.

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