Enlarge The alt-metal / hard rock / ska crossover act are back with another unshakably catchy ditty.

Sumo Cyco Release Another Catchy Bop, “Vertigo”


Sumo Cyco: wat u think??? I say yes. Axl says no. What do YOU say?

Unsurprisingly given the above I’m way into their latest single, “Vertigo.” I’ve also realized that this band has only a tangential connection to metal, which is likely why many folks in our community are rejecting them but conversely why I’m not: I think it’s the pop-loving side of my brain in which the synapses are firing here. What’s more, between the last time I wrote about Sumo Cyco and now, I learned that vocalist Skye Sweetnam had a major label record deal as a pop star in a prior life, and suddenly it allll makes sense… watching her in these videos, one gets the sense she is TOO GOOD at this. Like, “Wait a minute, have you done this before? If so, why haven’t we heard of you until recently? Ohhhhhh that’s why!”

Here’s what Sweetnam offers of the band’s latest jam, and working with producer Kane Churko (Ozzy, In This Moment, Papa Roach) on it:

“‘Vertigo’ was written pre-pandemic, but it’s crazy how we have been living through some of the most disorienting times in our lives. ‘Vertigo’ is all about trying to hold onto your sanity and self against any outside force. 

“Having Kane Churko produce and co-write with us on this track was a great experience. We typically do everything at our home studio, so hanging in Vegas at the amazing Hideout Recording studio put us in a fresh new mindset to create.

“The music video contains one of the most elaborate sets we’ve worked on. I guess collecting so much junk over the years has paid off! Come choose your poison and start the INITIATION!”

You heard the woman… start it! Initiation comes out on May 7 via Napalm; pre-order here.

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