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Sabaton Release Video for “The Royal Guard,” No Pedo


There’s no way Sabaton planned the release of their new video to follow the public outing of founding guitarist / 13-year-member Rikard Sundén as a convicted pedophile, but it does work out nicely that way; “Hey guys, forget that creep, he’s been out of the band since 2012!” (even if he did join them live at Wacken in 2019, I don’t think Sabaton come out of this looking bad). Civil War, Sundén’s most recent outfit, had to have seen it coming, though; they split with the guitarist in February without giving a reason.

In any case, Sabaton have released a new video for “The Royal Guard,” the track originally released in February as “Livgardet” in their native Swedish tongue, sung here in English. The video is typically Sabatonian, which means tons of war imagery, obviously.

Here’s bandleader/bassist Pär Sundstrōm:

“Our new song, ‘The Royal Guard,’ is about the great story of one of the oldest military regiments in the world, formed in the area where Sabaton hail from. We are aware that we cannot make the Swedish Empire MKII happen even if we wanted.  We had our chance some 300 years ago… But it was amazing to write about Swedish history again after nearly ten years since we wrote Carolus Rex.”

Give it a watch below.

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