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Fear Factory: New Album Title Revealed, First Single Coming Next Week


It’s not often we share the endless teasers — and teasers for teasers — that bands put out these days in advance of their new albums and singles, but given all the brouhaha surrounding Fear Factory in recent months, it seems necessary to post everything Fear Factory-related. If you’re Dino Cazares right now, I guess the silver lining to all the drama is that the fan appetite for new material is now nothing short of ravenous.

So: Fear Factory’s new album will be called Aggression Continuum. A new single will arrive next Friday, April 16, titled “Disruptor.” This via FF Cazares, who made the announcement in a video message on Twitter, his platform of choice, about an hour ago. You can watch that below.

Last week Dino posted a brief teaser clip of new music, presumably from the single. We’ll post that below as well. At the same time, he revealed Static-X bassist Tony Campos and drummer Mike Keller, who have both of been with Fear Factory for some time, are still in the band. Further, they may have already found their new vocalist.

The album was originally recorded in 2017 with longtime Fear Factory frontman Burton Seabell handling vocals, although he has since quit the group. Acting on his own, guitarist Dino Cazares added some finishing touches to the album in recent months with funds sourced from a Crowdfunding campaign, but Burton called the fundraising effort a “scam,” distancing himself from the effort before eventually quitting the band. Burton then issued a longer statement on his decision to leave, and Cazares put out a statement of his own that left the door open for Burton to rejoin while also calling out Burton’s “lies, the negativity and the blame.” It later came out that Cazares had previously acquired 100% of the rights to use the Fear Factory name in a years-long court battle.

We’ll check in again on April 16 when there’s new music. Until then, no more teaser posts, we promise!*



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