Enlarge It arrives with a nifty claymation video. 'The Crimson Corridor' comes out later this week.

Zao Gear Up for Album Release with New Single/Video, “Transitions”


Zao have released “Transitions,” the fourth single from their forthcoming album, The Crimson Corridor, and it hasn’t done a thing to sway our opinion that the album is going to be a bruiser. Four for four so far! The metalcore-turned-sludge band sure know their way around a riff, there can be no denying it.

The song arrives with a claymation video by Eric Livingston, of which drummer Jeff Gretz explained:

“In general, we are extremely hands-off with artists and video directors. We find people we like and tell them to just do their thing. There is a level of trust there that is extremely important to us. We have been fans of Eric Livingston for a long time and were always looking for a reason to work with him. We sent him the song along with very vague descriptions of ‘Birth, Death, Decay, Nature, Agoraphobic Skies.’ He wrote us back within minutes and said, ‘Got it! Oh, and I think there will be claymation.’ What more could you ask for?”

Watch the video for “Transitions” below, and also check out previous singles “The Final Ghost,” “Ship of Theseus” and “Croatoan.” The Crimson Corridor comes out on April 9; pre-order it at Zao’s Bandcamp page and Holy Mountain Printing.

Zao guitarist Scott Mellinger recently joined us on The MetalSucks Podcast; listen here.

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