Enlarge The event is set for this Wednesday and Thursday.

Poppy and Nita Strauss To Perform at WWE NXT Takeover: Stand & Deliver

  • Axl Rosenberg

Here’s your second big chunka metal-and-rasslin’-related news today: Poppy and Alice Cooper guitarist (and solo artist) Nita Strauss are both set to perform at this week’s WWE NXT pay-per-view event, NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver.

The two-night extravaganza is set for this Wednesday, April 7, and Thursday, April 8, but Poppy will only appear the second night, according to The PRP.

Strauss, meanwhile, will reportedly play “The Star-Spangled Banner,” although I dunno which night she’s doing that. Heck, she could be doing it both nights.

This is Poppy’s umpteenth appearance with WWE NXT since last year. She debuted a new song, “Eat,” at the Grammy Awards last month.

Strauss, meanwhile, recently revealed that she used to pretend to be her own manager. Luckily, she doesn’t hafta do that anymore.

You can watch the trailer for NXT TakeOver: Stand & Deliver below. Incidentally, it features Rob Zombie’s “The Triumph of King Freak (a Crypt of Preservation and Superstition).”

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