Enlarge How many times have you tricked yourself into thinking you had Covid-19?

Immortal Guardian Explore the Neuroses of Quarantine in New Video for “Psychosomatic”


Immortal Guardian have released a new song, “Psychosomatic,” that explores the number quarantine has done on our collective brains over the past year. Specifically, how at one point or another over this crazy year we’ve all psyched ourselves into thinking we had Covid-19 when we didn’t… I know I have! Cue to the freakout, the Googling of symptoms, texting with friends, the eventual test… and the negative result (hopefully).

The band’s namesake Gabriel Guardian explains of “Psychosomatic:”

“One thing we started noticing early on in the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 was the overwhelming number of friends that were getting sick only to find out they tested negative and never had the virus. Us included! There were so many moments where we were so convinced that we had covid because we felt all the symptoms and totally freaked ourselves out even though we never left our house. Just to take a test and find out we didn’t have it and even feel the symptoms disappear after 24hrs. This was happening to so many people I know and we thought it would be a very interesting topic to write about”.

“This is not to take away from the seriousness of the virus and the harm it has actually done to some of our other friends and family. It’s been a very rough year for all of us… But if there was something, we noticed did affect the majority, it was the big amounts of fear and confusion that literally made us all feel sick just from living through the experience. Our silent pandemic is psychosomatic.”

Watch the video for “Psychosomatic” below. Immortal Guardian’s new album of the same name came out in February via M-Theory Audio (pick it up here). MetalSucks premiered the video for “Phobia,” which you can watch here.

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