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Iron Maiden’s “Fear of the Dark” as Performed by an 160-Piece Orchestra Is %@$&*! Amazing

  • Axl Rosenberg

Sweden has once more staked its claim to being the most metal country in the world: Ulf Wadenbrandt, conductor for the Sweden Symphony Orchestra and dude who looks like he could be in pretty much any European power metal band, has released a video of a 160-piece orchestra performing Iron Maiden’s “Fear of the Dark.”

What’s more, it fucking rules. If Iron Maiden don’t see this and immediately contact Wadenbrandt to collaborate on their own S&M-type deal, they’re fools. Fools, I say!!

You can feel classier than you’ve ever felt by checking out the orchestral “Fear of the Dark” below. At one point Wadenbrandt turns around mid-conduction and throws up an invisible orange, which makes us love him all the more.

Wadenbrandt tells Metal Hammer of the performance:

“This song has everything from nice melodic lines with lots of energy and a thumping tempo. It’s a magical arrangement that releases the orchestra’s energy and fantastic sound. Iron Maiden have quite simply written a great song that works perfectly for symphony orchestras and their wonderful timbre.”

He continues:

“Music makes you feel good and helps to develop people. “We need to show the world that we are needed and must get to play. I have gathered everyone from absolutely world class musicians and excellent music teachers to talented amateurs and students from music and cultural schools from all over the world. I want to show the value of diversity and emphasize how everyone is important in the ecosystem of music.”

Go put on your finest tuxedo or gown, then hit “play”:

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