Enlarge The Twisted Sister frontman posted a photo of himself throwing the metal horns on the iconic TV show set.

Dee Snider Was on Family Feud This Weekend


When it comes to the storied history of the television game show Family Feud, there can be no debate: Richard Dawson, rest his soul, was the best host the show ever had. Well, there can be debate, but you’d be very wrong to argue that anyone other than the sloppy, drunk, kiss-happy stud owns the honor of GOAT Family Feud host. Because let’s face it, the host IS the show.

I’ll give a close second to current host Steve Harvey, though; he’s got the right vibe for the job, and his length of tenure is quickly closing in on Dawson’s. If I’m scrolling through the cable TV guide late night and there’s a Harvey episode on, I’m watching it.

What quips will Harvey have for the delightful heavy metal singer known as Dee Snider? We’ll found out on a future episode of Celebrity Family Feud, as the Twisted Sister frontman revealed on Twitter over the weekend that he took part in a taping for the show (or was just visiting the set — but that seems much less likely).

Along with a photo of himself throwing the horns on the iconic Family Feud set, Snider posted the following caption:

“Well, today was an interesting day….”

Which obviously isn’t much to go on, but is certainly exciting for us Family Feud nuts. Who else was on Dee’s team? HOW DID HE PERFORM?? We must know.

Most importantly: did Dee pass or play on the opening round? I’d pass; the “play” family always boffs the final answer, leaving the other team to easily clean up with a slam dunk!

We’ll keep you updated on when the episode featuring Dee gets an air-date.

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