Enlarge Sick band alert: Silver Talon are your new favorite band.

Just Some Hair Farmer Power Metal Dorks Slaying it Inside an Abandoned Warehouse


I friggin’ LOVE the latest video from Silver Talon, “As the World Burns,” which is a no-frills performance video featuring a bunch of power metal hair farmer dorks doing their absolute best to look tough and cool inside an abandoned warehouse.

I say that with full sincerity, not one shred of irony, and I do not mean it as a slight in any way: I think it’s rad as fuck that these relative unknowns are just fucking going for it, laying their passion and souls on the line!

This kind of metal is not particularly “cool” right now, nor are these dudes, but they are BARING ALL, and they’re doing a fantastic job selling it. The song is hella catchy, too, without which none of this would be possible.

Metal needs more bands like Silver Talon. Hopefully we’ll be hearing more from them soon; I’d love to catch ’em on tour when that becomes a thing again. Decadence and Decay comes out on May 28 via M-Theory Audio; pre-order here.

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