Children of Bodom Make Socks Now
Children of Bodom may be no more, but they’re still looking out for the wellness of their fans’ feet.
Following in the footsteps (no pun intended) of Metallica, Iron Maiden, Slayer, Motörhead, and Ghost, Children of Bodom have just unveiled their own line of branded socks.
Alas, those socks are not being made in conjunction with Stance, the most-excellent sock makers (sockists?) who made socks for four of the five bands listed above. I think they just, like, found someone to print a bunch of their album covers on socks. Hopefully they’re still fairly high quality.
You can view photos of all the designs below, along with a video of CoB drummer Jaska Raatikainen playing while wearing the socks. Purchase ’em here. They’re $18 a pair or $72 for a pack of all five designs, which is the equivalent of getting one pair free (in case math isn’t your thing).