Enlarge For fans of: Carcass, Entombed, Hatesphere.

Shadowspawn Summon the Death Metal Gods on “Under the Blood Red Moon”


What happens when you mix classic death metal brutality, a gnarly Swedish OSDM sensibility and that unmistakable Danish groove? Shadowspawn, your new favorite band!

On the outfit’s latest single, “Under the Blood Red Moon,” these five Danes combine all the best parts of Cannibal Corpse, Entombed, Carcass and, oh, I dunno, Hatesphere, into a fiery death metal package that’s all chunk and no bullshit. No, Shadowspawn haven’t reinvented the wheel, but they’ve made a damn fine one that’ll keep you cruising down the road at blazing speeds for years to come.

Check out the song and its video below. The band’s new album, The Biology Of Disbelief, comes out on April 16 via EMZ; pre-order here.

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