Enlarge Featuring current and former members of The Black Dahlia Murder, Bury Your Dead, Myrone, Powerman 5000, Sleigh Bells and more.

NOW That’s What I Call a Metal ’90s Club Mix (Two Minutes to Late Night Bedroom Cover)


Two Minutes to Late Night has made a name for itself over the past year with its series of creative bedroom covers that marry talents from all across the metalsphere, often with an entertaining twist. Their latest takes that concept to the next level: metal musicians playing a medley of ’90s dance/R&B/electronic jams!

Perennial MetalSucks favorite Myrone gets center stage here along with TMTLN host Gwarsenio Hall (Jordan Olds), shredding it up in the role he was basically born for. Alan Cassidy (ex-The Black Dahlia Murder), Myke Terry (ex-Bury Your Dead), Spider One (Powerman 5000) and Alexis Krauss (Sleigh Bells) lend some high-profile support alongside some newer names such as Nili Brosh, Izzy Fontaine and Carina Zachary (Husbandry).

Songs tackled include “Better Off Alone,” “Sandstorm,” “What is Love?” “Baby You’re All That I Want” “We Like to Party”… and more like those. You know these songs! You love them! You might even drunkenly dance to them sometimes. I certainly do.

All that’s missing is some La Bouche. Get on that for next time y’all, pleeease?

Watch below! Warning: extreme fun awaits, super srs metal fans not allowed.

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