Lacuna Coil Make a Board Game Now
Lacuna Coil are the latest metal band to get into the board game biz.
But they’re not just lending their brand to a pre-existing game: this is an all-new, original endeavor, entitled Horns Up.
According to the band, the game “takes place at a Lacuna Coil Show (remember those??) [and] your goal is to be the first to reach the stage.”
You can check out photos from and rules for the game, along with an eight-minute tutorial video, below (the video isn’t in English, though, so if you don’t speak Italian maybe just skip it).
Pre-orders will begin via Kickstarter on Friday, March 26. There are a bunch of different goodies available for those who contribute, the coolest of which is probably being portrayed on one the game’s card for €120 (roughly $140 U.S.).