Enlarge The "G is for guitar" button plays the song's iconic intro riff.

This Children’s Book Plays Megadeth’s “Holy Wars” Riff


Most metalheads who become parents do their best to infuse their musical passion into their offspring in one way or another, be it through gifting them instruments, putting them to sleep with lullaby renditions of metal classics, or simply playing their favorite jams in the house and in the car.

Now there’s a product that makes it even easier, AND it’s educational: LeapFrog Tad’s Get Ready for School Book, an interactive alphabet learner with electronic buttons and sound effects that has a very special surprise for pre-schoolers who push the “G” / guitar button: the intro riff of Megadeth’s “Holy Wars.” The sample sounds as if it was lifted directly from the recording, was almost definitely done without Dave Mustaine’s permission, and was no doubt orchestrated by a metalhead slyly sneaking it into the book. Nice work all around!

Here’s a video of the best metal education your child could possibly get, courtesy of Gear Gods. You can grab the book right here if you or someone you know has a small child in need of some metal in their education.

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