Enlarge Featuring Black Sabbath, Danko Jones, Sion, and more.

MetalSucks’ Least-Sucky Songs of the Week


There wasn’t a ton of good shit released this week, but what was released was very high quality. Enjoy!

Black Sabbath, “Slapback”

Tony Iommi doesn’t want you to hear this song, but we think you should listen anyway.


Danko Jones, “I Want Out”

You and me both, pal.

Sion, “The Blade”

The long-gestating project from Howard Jones (Light the Torch, ex-Killswitch Engage) and Jared Dines finally releases some music!

Smith/Kotzen, “Running”

Every time these dudes release a new single, we get a traffic boost. I guess y’all really dig ’em, huh?

Sylosis, “Plight of the Soul”

Did you know Josh Middleton also plays in Architects?

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